Sunday, 11 July 2010

Cops and Cons Party

Join us on Sunday 11th at 2pm for our first after show themed party. The theme is 'Cops and Cons' so grab a costume and come down to the Lost camp beach. Music from DJ Jimmeh.

Friday, 28 May 2010

End of Show Event

Dance with kickass tunes with SL-Lost DJ Jimmeh Obolensky.
Are you Lost's number one fan? then prove it with our trivia quiz. Questions will be taken from all 6 seasons and there is a 1000L$ prize for the person with the most questions right.
What did you think of the finale episode 'the end' join us and let us know.
Event starts at 1pm slt. See you all there :)

Sunday, 23 May 2010

I Am The New Jacob

Please read the following statement from Samantha Kuncoro

Hello Losties,

I am writing to let you know that I am officially retiring my position of SL-LOST leader/owner. I have enjoyed my time working with SL-LOST since our humble beginnings in May 2007. From when we started the original island that mysteriously closed, to our move to Sl-LOST headquarters, to our mini island and finally to see the dream realized on the island you all know. Through the years I have worked with an amazing team of people that were willing to share their many talents to make a place for all LOST fans to meet and discuss the show in a new and exciting way. Sometimes we didn’t see eye to eye but one thing mattered and that was making this island as close as we could to that in the show.

I am happy to announce as well that both Campetin and I have chosen our replacements, some I am sure are more familiar with them then they are with Camp and myself because they have been in charge this entire season and doing a wonderful job, always going the extra mile. Replacing me is Felicity Burt and Dario Darrow will fill Campetin’s place. I am sure we can agree that if it wasn’t for Flic and Dario’s involvement this season the island might have not made it this far. They hope to continue what we started and making some changes for the better to bring new life into the group and the island itself, whatever they do I feel good knowing we put it in good hands. I encourage you all to make them feel welcome in their new roles.

Now that I am retired I am hoping to get sometime to come into SL and just have fun meeting new people and exploring different places. I still will remain on the staff just a much smaller role. Thank you all for your continued support and see you around!

Samantha Kuncoro

Monday, 22 March 2010

St. Patrick's Day Party

Thank you to everyone who made it to our St.Patrick's Day party. Here are just a few pics of the party :)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Tournament Update

Thank you to everyone who signed up and is taking part in the Season 6 Tournament. In week one the Light team went storming ahead and stayed ahead till this week when the Dark team not only overtook but are now way out in the lead.
The scores are... Light team = 318 points, Dark Team = 511
There was 2 hidden objects this week and there is a new Armory door code set.
This week we also held our first beach party with DJ Jimmeh playing some awesome tunes.

Monday, 22 February 2010

SL-Lost Store

If you haven't visited the SL-Lost Store then now is a very good time as there are some brand new items. Firstly there is a Locke Avatar designed by Theo Forder, he is also working on a few others which will be coming soon. Secondly Gonkette Hermit now has her fantastic gestures for sale. So check out the SL-Lost Store in the airport now and help the island as a % of all items sold goes to the help support the island.

Also make sure you pick up the freebies in the center of the store :)

Welcome To New Members and Staff

This week SL-Lost reached it's 2000th member YAY. So i would like to welcome all new members to the group. If you have any questions about the island or about Second Life don't hesitate to contact me or one if you see any SL-Lost Staff members on the island you can grab one of them.

I would also like to thank and welcome all the new SL-Lost Staff we recruited recently.
They are.....
Theo Forder
Daneil Jupiter
Ally Brewster
Tanya Verne
Gonkette Hermit
Bellaswan Erin
Sapphire Timeless

Sunday, 21 February 2010

New To The Island

Brand new to the island is the rope ladders and cave that appeared in the lastest episode 'The Subsitute'

Incase you were wondering the names on the cave wall are all the names of the people who helped build the island :)

Monday, 15 February 2010

New To The Island

We now have introduced 7Seas fishing to the dock area. It is only avaiable to SL-Lost members so feel free to sit, fish and chat about Lost :) If you haven't tried 7Seas fishing then now is the time. We have a vendor there so you can kit yourself out with a rod and bait. We have set up a seperate area next to the dock so you can rez bait. We will also be running regular fishing contests.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Let The Tournament Begin

With the jaw dropping, mind blowing premiere episodes over, it is time to start the tournament.

Every Friday the armory door in the swan will be locked with a new code. The code will be a number that appeared or was quoted during the premiere episodes. The first person to guess the code and IM Felicity Burt with the correct code will receive 42 points for there chosen team. Everyone who guesses after that and IMs me with the right code will receive 23 points for there team.

Saturday's the weekly scavenger hunt item will be hidden. This item will be something that appears in the episode but we aren't going to make it easy for you and tell you what the item is, that is up to you to figure out :) Once you think you have found the item IM Felicity Burt with what you think the item is and where you found it. The first team to find it will receive 42 points and everyone after will receive 23 points for there team.

On Sunday's at 1.30pm SLT will the weekly Trivia quiz and group episode discussions. Hopefully you watched the episode very carefully so you can answer all the questions correctly. Each question will earn you 10 points for your team. The episode discussion will follow the trivia, we would love to hear your theories but PLEASE NO SPOILERS.

Please be aware that the island does have a 20 avatar limit. This is unfortunately something beyond our control and we apologise if you cant get to the island during busier times.

Lastly Good Luck to both teams.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Season Premiere

Well after 9 long months, finally today is the day. Hope you all enjoy the premiere episode i know i will. Just remember that not everybody will see the episode today so when on the island and in group chat please do not spoil it for those countries that the premiere hasnt aired yet. Thank you

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Season 6 Tournament

It's that time again and with only a few days left till the Premiere of season 6 we are now opening the enrolment for the Season 6 tournament.

If you didn't join in last year or are new to the group the tournament is a series of events which will last throughout season 6.

This will include.....

Weekly episode discussions held on a Sunday at 2pm in the airport meeting room

Trivia quiz on that weeks episode

Weekly scavenger hunt item

Dances with one of the Lost DJ's

Armory door code

and whatever else i think of during the season lol

The trivia and scavenger hunt events can earn you points for your team.Near the end of the season the winning team will go head to head in a battle to win the main prize.

To join in you need to pick which side you want to be on Light OR Dark. Once you have chosen your destiny you will need to IM one of the following people

Light team = Felicity Burt
Dark Team = SeaStories Supermarine

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

SL-Lost Island Staff Recruitment

Hi Losties,

The SL-Lost Staff are looking for a few volunteers to help us out on the island through Season 6.

We are looking for anyone who would like to help us in any way, from DJ's, events hosts, to people who just want to give there time to help members out on the island.

There is only one thing we ask and that is your account to be over 6 months of age so we know that you have a basic knowledge of how Second Life works

If you would like to help us out through the final season please send a notecard named SL-Lost Volunteer and your name to Felicity Burt with the following information..

What you would like to help us out with on the island

If you have any skills that you could use on the island

What time zone you are in as we need volunteers from different timezones.
And any other information you want to give us about yourself :)

Please send your notecards by Friday 29th Jan and we will let everyone who gets on our list know by Monday 1st Feb

Sl-Lost Staff